blob: 4e4d44238b371aaf2738c52a31723901160e16df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "quic/core/crypto/client_proof_source.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
namespace quic {
bool DefaultClientProofSource::AddCertAndKey(
std::vector<std::string> server_hostnames,
QuicReferenceCountedPointer<Chain> chain,
CertificatePrivateKey private_key) {
if (!ValidateCertAndKey(chain, private_key)) {
return false;
auto cert_and_key =
std::make_shared<CertAndKey>(std::move(chain), std::move(private_key));
for (const std::string& domain : server_hostnames) {
cert_and_keys_[domain] = cert_and_key;
return true;
const ClientProofSource::CertAndKey* DefaultClientProofSource::GetCertAndKey(
absl::string_view hostname) const {
const CertAndKey* result = LookupExact(hostname);
if (result != nullptr || hostname == "*") {
return result;
// Either a full or a wildcard domain lookup failed. In the former case,
// derive the wildcard domain and look it up.
if (hostname.size() > 1 && !absl::StartsWith(hostname, "*.")) {
auto dot_pos = hostname.find('.');
if (dot_pos != std::string::npos) {
std::string wildcard = absl::StrCat("*", hostname.substr(dot_pos));
const CertAndKey* result = LookupExact(wildcard);
if (result != nullptr) {
return result;
// Return default cert, if any.
return LookupExact("*");
const ClientProofSource::CertAndKey* DefaultClientProofSource::LookupExact(
absl::string_view map_key) const {
const auto it = cert_and_keys_.find(map_key);
QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "LookupExact(" << map_key
<< ") found:" << (it != cert_and_keys_.end());
if (it != cert_and_keys_.end()) {
return it->second.get();
return nullptr;
} // namespace quic