blob: 2920db351c457203e48d350608e93c9c68dad9e5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "quic/core/crypto/quic_decrypter.h"
#include "quic/core/crypto/quic_encrypter.h"
#include "quic/core/crypto/quic_random.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_connection_id.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
class QuicFramerPeer;
} // namespace test
class QuicDataReader;
class QuicDataWriter;
class QuicFramer;
class QuicStreamFrameDataProducer;
// Number of bytes reserved for the frame type preceding each frame.
const size_t kQuicFrameTypeSize = 1;
// Number of bytes reserved for error code.
const size_t kQuicErrorCodeSize = 4;
// Number of bytes reserved to denote the length of error details field.
const size_t kQuicErrorDetailsLengthSize = 2;
// Maximum number of bytes reserved for stream id.
const size_t kQuicMaxStreamIdSize = 4;
// Maximum number of bytes reserved for byte offset in stream frame.
const size_t kQuicMaxStreamOffsetSize = 8;
// Number of bytes reserved to store payload length in stream frame.
const size_t kQuicStreamPayloadLengthSize = 2;
// Number of bytes to reserve for IQ Error codes (for the Connection Close,
// Application Close, and Reset Stream frames).
const size_t kQuicIetfQuicErrorCodeSize = 2;
// Minimum size of the IETF QUIC Error Phrase's length field
const size_t kIetfQuicMinErrorPhraseLengthSize = 1;
// Size in bytes reserved for the delta time of the largest observed
// packet number in ack frames.
const size_t kQuicDeltaTimeLargestObservedSize = 2;
// Size in bytes reserved for the number of received packets with timestamps.
const size_t kQuicNumTimestampsSize = 1;
// Size in bytes reserved for the number of missing packets in ack frames.
const size_t kNumberOfNackRangesSize = 1;
// Size in bytes reserved for the number of ack blocks in ack frames.
const size_t kNumberOfAckBlocksSize = 1;
// Maximum number of missing packet ranges that can fit within an ack frame.
const size_t kMaxNackRanges = (1 << (kNumberOfNackRangesSize * 8)) - 1;
// Maximum number of ack blocks that can fit within an ack frame.
const size_t kMaxAckBlocks = (1 << (kNumberOfAckBlocksSize * 8)) - 1;
// This class receives callbacks from the framer when packets
// are processed.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicFramerVisitorInterface {
virtual ~QuicFramerVisitorInterface() {}
// Called if an error is detected in the QUIC protocol.
virtual void OnError(QuicFramer* framer) = 0;
// Called only when |perspective_| is IS_SERVER and the framer gets a
// packet with version flag true and the version on the packet doesn't match
// |quic_version_|. The visitor should return true after it updates the
// version of the |framer_| to |received_version| or false to stop processing
// this packet.
virtual bool OnProtocolVersionMismatch(
ParsedQuicVersion received_version) = 0;
// Called when a new packet has been received, before it
// has been validated or processed.
virtual void OnPacket() = 0;
// Called when a public reset packet has been parsed but has not yet
// been validated.
virtual void OnPublicResetPacket(const QuicPublicResetPacket& packet) = 0;
// Called only when |perspective_| is IS_CLIENT and a version negotiation
// packet has been parsed.
virtual void OnVersionNegotiationPacket(
const QuicVersionNegotiationPacket& packet) = 0;
// Called only when |perspective_| is IS_CLIENT and a retry packet has been
// parsed. |new_connection_id| contains the value of the Source Connection
// ID field, and |retry_token| contains the value of the Retry Token field.
// On versions where UsesTls() is false,
// |original_connection_id| contains the value of the Original Destination
// Connection ID field, and both |retry_integrity_tag| and
// |retry_without_tag| are empty.
// On versions where UsesTls() is true,
// |original_connection_id| is empty, |retry_integrity_tag| contains the
// value of the Retry Integrity Tag field, and |retry_without_tag| contains
// the entire RETRY packet except the Retry Integrity Tag field.
virtual void OnRetryPacket(QuicConnectionId original_connection_id,
QuicConnectionId new_connection_id,
absl::string_view retry_token,
absl::string_view retry_integrity_tag,
absl::string_view retry_without_tag) = 0;
// Called when all fields except packet number has been parsed, but has not
// been authenticated. If it returns false, framing for this packet will
// cease.
virtual bool OnUnauthenticatedPublicHeader(
const QuicPacketHeader& header) = 0;
// Called when the unauthenticated portion of the header has been parsed.
// If OnUnauthenticatedHeader returns false, framing for this packet will
// cease.
virtual bool OnUnauthenticatedHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header) = 0;
// Called when a packet has been decrypted. |length| is the packet length,
// and |level| is the encryption level of the packet.
virtual void OnDecryptedPacket(size_t length, EncryptionLevel level) = 0;
// Called when the complete header of a packet had been parsed.
// If OnPacketHeader returns false, framing for this packet will cease.
virtual bool OnPacketHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header) = 0;
// Called when the packet being processed contains multiple IETF QUIC packets,
// which is due to there being more data after what is covered by the length
// field. |packet| contains the remaining data which can be processed.
// Note that this is called when the framer parses the length field, before
// it attempts to decrypt the first payload. It is the visitor's
// responsibility to buffer the packet and call ProcessPacket on it
// after the framer is done parsing the current payload. |packet| does not
// own its internal buffer, the visitor should make a copy of it.
virtual void OnCoalescedPacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) = 0;
// Called when the packet being processed failed to decrypt.
// |has_decryption_key| indicates whether the framer knew which decryption
// key to use for this packet and already had a suitable key.
virtual void OnUndecryptablePacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
EncryptionLevel decryption_level,
bool has_decryption_key) = 0;
// Called when a StreamFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a CRYPTO frame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnCryptoFrame(const QuicCryptoFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when largest acked of an AckFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnAckFrameStart(QuicPacketNumber largest_acked,
QuicTime::Delta ack_delay_time) = 0;
// Called when ack range [start, end) of an AckFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnAckRange(QuicPacketNumber start, QuicPacketNumber end) = 0;
// Called when a timestamp in the AckFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnAckTimestamp(QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
QuicTime timestamp) = 0;
// Called after the last ack range in an AckFrame has been parsed.
// |start| is the starting value of the last ack range.
virtual bool OnAckFrameEnd(QuicPacketNumber start) = 0;
// Called when a StopWaitingFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnStopWaitingFrame(const QuicStopWaitingFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a QuicPaddingFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnPaddingFrame(const QuicPaddingFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a PingFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnPingFrame(const QuicPingFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a RstStreamFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnRstStreamFrame(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a ConnectionCloseFrame, of any type, has been parsed.
virtual bool OnConnectionCloseFrame(
const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a StopSendingFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnStopSendingFrame(const QuicStopSendingFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a PathChallengeFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnPathChallengeFrame(const QuicPathChallengeFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a PathResponseFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnPathResponseFrame(const QuicPathResponseFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a GoAwayFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnGoAwayFrame(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a WindowUpdateFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnWindowUpdateFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a BlockedFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a NewConnectionIdFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnNewConnectionIdFrame(
const QuicNewConnectionIdFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a RetireConnectionIdFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnRetireConnectionIdFrame(
const QuicRetireConnectionIdFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a NewTokenFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnNewTokenFrame(const QuicNewTokenFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a message frame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnMessageFrame(const QuicMessageFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a handshake done frame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnHandshakeDoneFrame(const QuicHandshakeDoneFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when an AckFrequencyFrame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnAckFrequencyFrame(const QuicAckFrequencyFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a packet has been completely processed.
virtual void OnPacketComplete() = 0;
// Called to check whether |token| is a valid stateless reset token.
virtual bool IsValidStatelessResetToken(
const StatelessResetToken& token) const = 0;
// Called when an IETF stateless reset packet has been parsed and validated
// with the stateless reset token.
virtual void OnAuthenticatedIetfStatelessResetPacket(
const QuicIetfStatelessResetPacket& packet) = 0;
// Called when an IETF MaxStreams frame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnMaxStreamsFrame(const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when an IETF StreamsBlocked frame has been parsed.
virtual bool OnStreamsBlockedFrame(const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a Key Phase Update has been initiated. This is called for both
// locally and peer initiated key updates. If the key update was locally
// initiated, this does not indicate the peer has received the key update yet.
virtual void OnKeyUpdate(KeyUpdateReason reason) = 0;
// Called on the first decrypted packet in each key phase (including the
// first key phase.)
virtual void OnDecryptedFirstPacketInKeyPhase() = 0;
// Called when the framer needs to generate a decrypter for the next key
// phase. Each call should generate the key for phase n+1.
virtual std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter>
AdvanceKeysAndCreateCurrentOneRttDecrypter() = 0;
// Called when the framer needs to generate an encrypter. The key corresponds
// to the key phase of the last decrypter returned by
// AdvanceKeysAndCreateCurrentOneRttDecrypter().
virtual std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> CreateCurrentOneRttEncrypter() = 0;
// Class for parsing and constructing QUIC packets. It has a
// QuicFramerVisitorInterface that is called when packets are parsed.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicFramer {
// Constructs a new framer that installs a kNULL QuicEncrypter and
// QuicDecrypter for level ENCRYPTION_INITIAL. |supported_versions| specifies
// the list of supported QUIC versions. |quic_version_| is set to the maximum
// version in |supported_versions|.
QuicFramer(const ParsedQuicVersionVector& supported_versions,
QuicTime creation_time,
Perspective perspective,
uint8_t expected_server_connection_id_length);
QuicFramer(const QuicFramer&) = delete;
QuicFramer& operator=(const QuicFramer&) = delete;
virtual ~QuicFramer();
// Returns true if |version| is a supported transport version.
bool IsSupportedTransportVersion(const QuicTransportVersion version) const;
// Returns true if |version| is a supported protocol version.
bool IsSupportedVersion(const ParsedQuicVersion version) const;
// Set callbacks to be called from the framer. A visitor must be set, or
// else the framer will likely crash. It is acceptable for the visitor
// to do nothing. If this is called multiple times, only the last visitor
// will be used.
void set_visitor(QuicFramerVisitorInterface* visitor) { visitor_ = visitor; }
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& supported_versions() const {
return supported_versions_;
QuicTransportVersion transport_version() const {
return version_.transport_version;
ParsedQuicVersion version() const { return version_; }
void set_version(const ParsedQuicVersion version);
// Does not QUICHE_DCHECK for supported version. Used by tests to set
// unsupported version to trigger version negotiation.
void set_version_for_tests(const ParsedQuicVersion version) {
version_ = version;
QuicErrorCode error() const { return error_; }
// Allows enabling or disabling of timestamp processing and serialization.
void set_process_timestamps(bool process_timestamps) {
process_timestamps_ = process_timestamps;
// Pass a UDP packet into the framer for parsing.
// Return true if the packet was processed successfully. |packet| must be a
// single, complete UDP packet (not a frame of a packet). This packet
// might be null padded past the end of the payload, which will be correctly
// ignored.
bool ProcessPacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet);
// Whether we are in the middle of a call to this->ProcessPacket.
bool is_processing_packet() const { return is_processing_packet_; }
// Largest size in bytes of all stream frame fields without the payload.
static size_t GetMinStreamFrameSize(QuicTransportVersion version,
QuicStreamId stream_id,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
size_t data_length);
// Returns the overhead of framing a CRYPTO frame with the specific offset and
// data length provided, but not counting the size of the data payload.
static size_t GetMinCryptoFrameSize(QuicStreamOffset offset,
QuicPacketLength data_length);
static size_t GetMessageFrameSize(QuicTransportVersion version,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
QuicByteCount length);
// Size in bytes of all ack frame fields without the missing packets or ack
// blocks.
static size_t GetMinAckFrameSize(QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicAckFrame& ack_frame,
uint32_t local_ack_delay_exponent);
// Size in bytes of a stop waiting frame.
static size_t GetStopWaitingFrameSize(
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length);
// Size in bytes of all reset stream frame fields.
static size_t GetRstStreamFrameSize(QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes of all ack frenquency frame fields.
static size_t GetAckFrequencyFrameSize(const QuicAckFrequencyFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes of all connection close frame fields, including the error
// details.
static size_t GetConnectionCloseFrameSize(
QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes of all GoAway frame fields without the reason phrase.
static size_t GetMinGoAwayFrameSize();
// Size in bytes of all WindowUpdate frame fields.
// For version 99, determines whether a MAX DATA or MAX STREAM DATA frame will
// be generated and calculates the appropriate size.
static size_t GetWindowUpdateFrameSize(QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes of all MaxStreams frame fields.
static size_t GetMaxStreamsFrameSize(QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes of all StreamsBlocked frame fields.
static size_t GetStreamsBlockedFrameSize(
QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes of all Blocked frame fields.
static size_t GetBlockedFrameSize(QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicBlockedFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes of PathChallenge frame.
static size_t GetPathChallengeFrameSize(const QuicPathChallengeFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes of PathResponse frame.
static size_t GetPathResponseFrameSize(const QuicPathResponseFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes required to serialize the stream id.
static size_t GetStreamIdSize(QuicStreamId stream_id);
// Size in bytes required to serialize the stream offset.
static size_t GetStreamOffsetSize(QuicStreamOffset offset);
// Size in bytes for a serialized new connection id frame
static size_t GetNewConnectionIdFrameSize(
const QuicNewConnectionIdFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes for a serialized retire connection id frame
static size_t GetRetireConnectionIdFrameSize(
const QuicRetireConnectionIdFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes for a serialized new token frame
static size_t GetNewTokenFrameSize(const QuicNewTokenFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes required for a serialized stop sending frame.
static size_t GetStopSendingFrameSize(const QuicStopSendingFrame& frame);
// Size in bytes required for a serialized retransmittable control |frame|.
static size_t GetRetransmittableControlFrameSize(QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicFrame& frame);
// Returns the number of bytes added to the packet for the specified frame,
// and 0 if the frame doesn't fit. Includes the header size for the first
// frame.
size_t GetSerializedFrameLength(const QuicFrame& frame,
size_t free_bytes,
bool first_frame_in_packet,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length);
// Returns the associated data from the encrypted packet |encrypted| as a
// stringpiece.
static absl::string_view GetAssociatedDataFromEncryptedPacket(
QuicTransportVersion version,
const QuicEncryptedPacket& encrypted,
QuicConnectionIdLength destination_connection_id_length,
QuicConnectionIdLength source_connection_id_length,
bool includes_version,
bool includes_diversification_nonce,
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
QuicVariableLengthIntegerLength retry_token_length_length,
uint64_t retry_token_length,
QuicVariableLengthIntegerLength length_length);
// Parses the unencrypted fields in a QUIC header using |reader| as input,
// stores the result in the other parameters.
// |expected_destination_connection_id_length| is only used for short headers.
static QuicErrorCode ParsePublicHeader(
QuicDataReader* reader,
uint8_t expected_destination_connection_id_length,
bool ietf_format,
uint8_t* first_byte,
PacketHeaderFormat* format,
bool* version_present,
bool* has_length_prefix,
QuicVersionLabel* version_label,
ParsedQuicVersion* parsed_version,
QuicConnectionId* destination_connection_id,
QuicConnectionId* source_connection_id,
QuicLongHeaderType* long_packet_type,
QuicVariableLengthIntegerLength* retry_token_length_length,
absl::string_view* retry_token,
std::string* detailed_error);
// Parses the unencrypted fields in |packet| and stores them in the other
// parameters. This can only be called on the server.
// |expected_destination_connection_id_length| is only used for short headers.
static QuicErrorCode ParsePublicHeaderDispatcher(
const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
uint8_t expected_destination_connection_id_length,
PacketHeaderFormat* format,
QuicLongHeaderType* long_packet_type,
bool* version_present,
bool* has_length_prefix,
QuicVersionLabel* version_label,
ParsedQuicVersion* parsed_version,
QuicConnectionId* destination_connection_id,
QuicConnectionId* source_connection_id,
bool* retry_token_present,
absl::string_view* retry_token,
std::string* detailed_error);
// Serializes a packet containing |frames| into |buffer|.
// Returns the length of the packet, which must not be longer than
// |packet_length|. Returns 0 if it fails to serialize.
size_t BuildDataPacket(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
const QuicFrames& frames,
char* buffer,
size_t packet_length,
EncryptionLevel level);
// Returns a new public reset packet.
static std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> BuildPublicResetPacket(
const QuicPublicResetPacket& packet);
// Returns the minimal stateless reset packet length.
static size_t GetMinStatelessResetPacketLength();
// Returns a new IETF stateless reset packet.
static std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> BuildIetfStatelessResetPacket(
QuicConnectionId connection_id,
size_t received_packet_length,
StatelessResetToken stateless_reset_token);
// Returns a new version negotiation packet.
static std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> BuildVersionNegotiationPacket(
QuicConnectionId server_connection_id,
QuicConnectionId client_connection_id,
bool ietf_quic,
bool use_length_prefix,
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& versions);
// Returns a new IETF version negotiation packet.
static std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> BuildIetfVersionNegotiationPacket(
bool use_length_prefix,
QuicConnectionId server_connection_id,
QuicConnectionId client_connection_id,
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& versions);
// If header.version_flag is set, the version in the
// packet will be set -- but it will be set from version_ not
// header.versions.
bool AppendPacketHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
QuicDataWriter* writer,
size_t* length_field_offset);
bool AppendIetfHeaderTypeByte(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendIetfPacketHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
QuicDataWriter* writer,
size_t* length_field_offset);
bool WriteIetfLongHeaderLength(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
QuicDataWriter* writer,
size_t length_field_offset,
EncryptionLevel level);
bool AppendTypeByte(const QuicFrame& frame,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendIetfFrameType(const QuicFrame& frame,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
size_t AppendIetfFrames(const QuicFrames& frames, QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendCryptoFrame(const QuicCryptoFrame& frame, QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendAckFrequencyFrame(const QuicAckFrequencyFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
// SetDecrypter sets the primary decrypter, replacing any that already exists.
// If an alternative decrypter is in place then the function QUICHE_DCHECKs.
// This is intended for cases where one knows that future packets will be
// using the new decrypter and the previous decrypter is now obsolete. |level|
// indicates the encryption level of the new decrypter.
void SetDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> decrypter);
// SetAlternativeDecrypter sets a decrypter that may be used to decrypt
// future packets. |level| indicates the encryption level of the decrypter. If
// |latch_once_used| is true, then the first time that the decrypter is
// successful it will replace the primary decrypter. Otherwise both
// decrypters will remain active and the primary decrypter will be the one
// last used.
void SetAlternativeDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> decrypter,
bool latch_once_used);
void InstallDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> decrypter);
void RemoveDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level);
// Enables key update support.
void SetKeyUpdateSupportForConnection(bool enabled);
// Discard the decrypter for the previous key phase.
void DiscardPreviousOneRttKeys();
// Update the key phase.
bool DoKeyUpdate(KeyUpdateReason reason);
// Returns the count of packets received that appeared to attempt a key
// update but failed decryption which have been received since the last
// successfully decrypted packet.
QuicPacketCount PotentialPeerKeyUpdateAttemptCount() const;
const QuicDecrypter* GetDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level) const;
const QuicDecrypter* decrypter() const;
const QuicDecrypter* alternative_decrypter() const;
// Changes the encrypter used for level |level| to |encrypter|.
void SetEncrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> encrypter);
// Called to remove encrypter of encryption |level|.
void RemoveEncrypter(EncryptionLevel level);
// Sets the encrypter and decrypter for the ENCRYPTION_INITIAL level.
void SetInitialObfuscators(QuicConnectionId connection_id);
// Encrypts a payload in |buffer|. |ad_len| is the length of the associated
// data. |total_len| is the length of the associated data plus plaintext.
// |buffer_len| is the full length of the allocated buffer.
size_t EncryptInPlace(EncryptionLevel level,
QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
size_t ad_len,
size_t total_len,
size_t buffer_len,
char* buffer);
// Returns the length of the data encrypted into |buffer| if |buffer_len| is
// long enough, and otherwise 0.
size_t EncryptPayload(EncryptionLevel level,
QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
const QuicPacket& packet,
char* buffer,
size_t buffer_len);
// Returns the length of the ciphertext that would be generated by encrypting
// to plaintext of size |plaintext_size| at the given level.
size_t GetCiphertextSize(EncryptionLevel level, size_t plaintext_size) const;
// Returns the maximum length of plaintext that can be encrypted
// to ciphertext no larger than |ciphertext_size|.
size_t GetMaxPlaintextSize(size_t ciphertext_size);
// Returns the maximum number of packets that can be safely encrypted with
// the active AEAD. 1-RTT keys must be set before calling this method.
QuicPacketCount GetOneRttEncrypterConfidentialityLimit() const;
const std::string& detailed_error() { return detailed_error_; }
// The minimum packet number length required to represent |packet_number|.
static QuicPacketNumberLength GetMinPacketNumberLength(
QuicPacketNumber packet_number);
void SetSupportedVersions(const ParsedQuicVersionVector& versions) {
supported_versions_ = versions;
version_ = versions[0];
// Tell framer to infer packet header type from version_.
void InferPacketHeaderTypeFromVersion();
// Returns true if |header| is considered as an stateless reset packet.
bool IsIetfStatelessResetPacket(const QuicPacketHeader& header) const;
// Returns true if encrypter of |level| is available.
bool HasEncrypterOfEncryptionLevel(EncryptionLevel level) const;
// Returns true if decrypter of |level| is available.
bool HasDecrypterOfEncryptionLevel(EncryptionLevel level) const;
// Returns true if an encrypter of |space| is available.
bool HasAnEncrypterForSpace(PacketNumberSpace space) const;
// Returns the encryption level to send application data. This should be only
// called with available encrypter for application data.
EncryptionLevel GetEncryptionLevelToSendApplicationData() const;
void set_validate_flags(bool value) { validate_flags_ = value; }
Perspective perspective() const { return perspective_; }
QuicStreamFrameDataProducer* data_producer() const { return data_producer_; }
void set_data_producer(QuicStreamFrameDataProducer* data_producer) {
data_producer_ = data_producer;
QuicTime creation_time() const { return creation_time_; }
QuicPacketNumber first_sending_packet_number() const {
return first_sending_packet_number_;
uint64_t current_received_frame_type() const {
return current_received_frame_type_;
// The connection ID length the framer expects on incoming IETF short headers
// on the server.
uint8_t GetExpectedServerConnectionIdLength() {
return expected_server_connection_id_length_;
// Change the expected destination connection ID length for short headers on
// the client.
void SetExpectedClientConnectionIdLength(
uint8_t expected_client_connection_id_length) {
expected_client_connection_id_length_ =
void EnableMultiplePacketNumberSpacesSupport();
// Writes an array of bytes that, if sent as a UDP datagram, will trigger
// IETF QUIC Version Negotiation on servers. The bytes will be written to
// |packet_bytes|, which must point to |packet_length| bytes of memory.
// |packet_length| must be in the range [1200, 65535].
// |destination_connection_id_bytes| will be sent as the destination
// connection ID, and must point to |destination_connection_id_length| bytes
// of memory. |destination_connection_id_length| must be in the range [8,18].
// When targeting Google servers, it is recommended to use a
// |destination_connection_id_length| of 8.
static bool WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket(
char* packet_bytes,
QuicByteCount packet_length,
const char* destination_connection_id_bytes,
uint8_t destination_connection_id_length);
// Parses a packet which a QUIC server sent in response to a packet sent by
// WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket. |packet_bytes| must point to
// |packet_length| bytes in memory which represent the response.
// |packet_length| must be greater or equal to 6. This method will fill in
// |source_connection_id_bytes| which must point to at least
// |*source_connection_id_length_out| bytes in memory.
// |*source_connection_id_length_out| must be at least 18.
// |*source_connection_id_length_out| will contain the length of the received
// source connection ID, which on success will match the contents of the
// destination connection ID passed in to
// WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket. In the case of a failure,
// |detailed_error| will be filled in with an explanation of what failed.
static bool ParseServerVersionNegotiationProbeResponse(
const char* packet_bytes,
QuicByteCount packet_length,
char* source_connection_id_bytes,
uint8_t* source_connection_id_length_out,
std::string* detailed_error);
void set_local_ack_delay_exponent(uint32_t exponent) {
local_ack_delay_exponent_ = exponent;
uint32_t local_ack_delay_exponent() const {
return local_ack_delay_exponent_;
void set_peer_ack_delay_exponent(uint32_t exponent) {
peer_ack_delay_exponent_ = exponent;
uint32_t peer_ack_delay_exponent() const { return peer_ack_delay_exponent_; }
void set_drop_incoming_retry_packets(bool drop_incoming_retry_packets) {
drop_incoming_retry_packets_ = drop_incoming_retry_packets;
friend class test::QuicFramerPeer;
using NackRangeMap = std::map<QuicPacketNumber, uint8_t>;
struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE AckFrameInfo {
AckFrameInfo(const AckFrameInfo& other);
// The maximum ack block length.
QuicPacketCount max_block_length;
// Length of first ack block.
QuicPacketCount first_block_length;
// Number of ACK blocks needed for the ACK frame.
size_t num_ack_blocks;
// Applies header protection to an IETF QUIC packet header in |buffer| using
// the encrypter for level |level|. The buffer has |buffer_len| bytes of data,
// with the first protected packet bytes starting at |ad_len|.
bool ApplyHeaderProtection(EncryptionLevel level,
char* buffer,
size_t buffer_len,
size_t ad_len);
// Removes header protection from an IETF QUIC packet header.
// The packet number from the header is read from |reader|, where the packet
// number is the next contents in |reader|. |reader| is only advanced by the
// length of the packet number, but it is also used to peek the sample needed
// for removing header protection.
// Properties needed for removing header protection are read from |header|.
// The packet number length and type byte are written to |header|.
// The packet number, after removing header protection and decoding it, is
// written to |full_packet_number|. Finally, the header, with header
// protection removed, is written to |associated_data| to be used in packet
// decryption. |packet| is used in computing the asociated data.
bool RemoveHeaderProtection(QuicDataReader* reader,
const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
QuicPacketHeader* header,
uint64_t* full_packet_number,
std::vector<char>* associated_data);
bool ProcessDataPacket(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicPacketHeader* header,
const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
char* decrypted_buffer,
size_t buffer_length);
bool ProcessIetfDataPacket(QuicDataReader* encrypted_reader,
QuicPacketHeader* header,
const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
char* decrypted_buffer,
size_t buffer_length);
bool ProcessPublicResetPacket(QuicDataReader* reader,
const QuicPacketHeader& header);
bool ProcessVersionNegotiationPacket(QuicDataReader* reader,
const QuicPacketHeader& header);
bool ProcessRetryPacket(QuicDataReader* reader,
const QuicPacketHeader& header);
void MaybeProcessCoalescedPacket(const QuicDataReader& encrypted_reader,
uint64_t remaining_bytes_length,
const QuicPacketHeader& header);
bool MaybeProcessIetfLength(QuicDataReader* encrypted_reader,
QuicPacketHeader* header);
bool ProcessPublicHeader(QuicDataReader* reader,
bool packet_has_ietf_packet_header,
QuicPacketHeader* header);
// Processes the unauthenticated portion of the header into |header| from
// the current QuicDataReader. Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool ProcessUnauthenticatedHeader(QuicDataReader* encrypted_reader,
QuicPacketHeader* header);
// Processes the version label in the packet header.
static bool ProcessVersionLabel(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicVersionLabel* version_label);
// Validates and updates |destination_connection_id_length| and
// |source_connection_id_length|. When
// |should_update_expected_server_connection_id_length| is true, length
// validation is disabled and |expected_server_connection_id_length| is set
// to the appropriate length.
// TODO(b/133873272) refactor this method.
static bool ProcessAndValidateIetfConnectionIdLength(
QuicDataReader* reader,
ParsedQuicVersion version,
Perspective perspective,
bool should_update_expected_server_connection_id_length,
uint8_t* expected_server_connection_id_length,
uint8_t* destination_connection_id_length,
uint8_t* source_connection_id_length,
std::string* detailed_error);
bool ProcessIetfHeaderTypeByte(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicPacketHeader* header);
bool ProcessIetfPacketHeader(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicPacketHeader* header);
// First processes possibly truncated packet number. Calculates the full
// packet number from the truncated one and the last seen packet number, and
// stores it to |packet_number|.
bool ProcessAndCalculatePacketNumber(
QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
QuicPacketNumber base_packet_number,
uint64_t* packet_number);
bool ProcessFrameData(QuicDataReader* reader, const QuicPacketHeader& header);
static bool IsIetfFrameTypeExpectedForEncryptionLevel(uint64_t frame_type,
EncryptionLevel level);
bool ProcessIetfFrameData(QuicDataReader* reader,
const QuicPacketHeader& header,
EncryptionLevel decrypted_level);
bool ProcessStreamFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
uint8_t frame_type,
QuicStreamFrame* frame);
bool ProcessAckFrame(QuicDataReader* reader, uint8_t frame_type);
bool ProcessTimestampsInAckFrame(uint8_t num_received_packets,
QuicPacketNumber largest_acked,
QuicDataReader* reader);
bool ProcessIetfAckFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
uint64_t frame_type,
QuicAckFrame* ack_frame);
bool ProcessStopWaitingFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
const QuicPacketHeader& header,
QuicStopWaitingFrame* stop_waiting);
bool ProcessRstStreamFrame(QuicDataReader* reader, QuicRstStreamFrame* frame);
bool ProcessConnectionCloseFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicConnectionCloseFrame* frame);
bool ProcessGoAwayFrame(QuicDataReader* reader, QuicGoAwayFrame* frame);
bool ProcessWindowUpdateFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicWindowUpdateFrame* frame);
bool ProcessBlockedFrame(QuicDataReader* reader, QuicBlockedFrame* frame);
void ProcessPaddingFrame(QuicDataReader* reader, QuicPaddingFrame* frame);
bool ProcessMessageFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
bool no_message_length,
QuicMessageFrame* frame);
bool DecryptPayload(size_t udp_packet_length,
absl::string_view encrypted,
absl::string_view associated_data,
const QuicPacketHeader& header,
char* decrypted_buffer,
size_t buffer_length,
size_t* decrypted_length,
EncryptionLevel* decrypted_level);
// Returns the full packet number from the truncated
// wire format version and the last seen packet number.
uint64_t CalculatePacketNumberFromWire(
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
QuicPacketNumber base_packet_number,
uint64_t packet_number) const;
// Returns the QuicTime::Delta corresponding to the time from when the framer
// was created.
const QuicTime::Delta CalculateTimestampFromWire(uint32_t time_delta_us);
// Computes the wire size in bytes of time stamps in |ack|.
size_t GetAckFrameTimeStampSize(const QuicAckFrame& ack);
// Computes the wire size in bytes of the |ack| frame.
size_t GetAckFrameSize(const QuicAckFrame& ack,
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length);
// Computes the wire-size, in bytes, of the |frame| ack frame, for IETF Quic.
size_t GetIetfAckFrameSize(const QuicAckFrame& frame);
// Computes the wire size in bytes of the |ack| frame.
size_t GetAckFrameSize(const QuicAckFrame& ack);
// Computes the wire size in bytes of the payload of |frame|.
size_t ComputeFrameLength(const QuicFrame& frame,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length);
static bool AppendPacketNumber(QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
static bool AppendStreamId(size_t stream_id_length,
QuicStreamId stream_id,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
static bool AppendStreamOffset(size_t offset_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
// Appends a single ACK block to |writer| and returns true if the block was
// successfully appended.
static bool AppendAckBlock(uint8_t gap,
QuicPacketNumberLength length_length,
uint64_t length,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
static uint8_t GetPacketNumberFlags(
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length);
static AckFrameInfo GetAckFrameInfo(const QuicAckFrame& frame);
static QuicErrorCode ParsePublicHeaderGoogleQuic(
QuicDataReader* reader,
uint8_t* first_byte,
PacketHeaderFormat* format,
bool* version_present,
QuicVersionLabel* version_label,
ParsedQuicVersion* parsed_version,
QuicConnectionId* destination_connection_id,
std::string* detailed_error);
bool ValidateReceivedConnectionIds(const QuicPacketHeader& header);
// The Append* methods attempt to write the provided header or frame using the
// |writer|, and return true if successful.
bool AppendAckFrameAndTypeByte(const QuicAckFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* builder);
bool AppendTimestampsToAckFrame(const QuicAckFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
// Append IETF format ACK frame.
// AppendIetfAckFrameAndTypeByte adds the IETF type byte and the body
// of the frame.
bool AppendIetfAckFrameAndTypeByte(const QuicAckFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendStopWaitingFrame(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
const QuicStopWaitingFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* builder);
bool AppendRstStreamFrame(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* builder);
bool AppendConnectionCloseFrame(const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* builder);
bool AppendGoAwayFrame(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame, QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendWindowUpdateFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendPaddingFrame(const QuicPaddingFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendMessageFrameAndTypeByte(const QuicMessageFrame& frame,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
// IETF frame processing methods.
bool ProcessIetfStreamFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
uint8_t frame_type,
QuicStreamFrame* frame);
bool ProcessIetfConnectionCloseFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicConnectionCloseType type,
QuicConnectionCloseFrame* frame);
bool ProcessPathChallengeFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicPathChallengeFrame* frame);
bool ProcessPathResponseFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicPathResponseFrame* frame);
bool ProcessIetfResetStreamFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicRstStreamFrame* frame);
bool ProcessStopSendingFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicStopSendingFrame* stop_sending_frame);
bool ProcessCryptoFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
EncryptionLevel encryption_level,
QuicCryptoFrame* frame);
bool ProcessAckFrequencyFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicAckFrequencyFrame* frame);
// IETF frame appending methods. All methods append the type byte as well.
bool AppendIetfStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame,
bool last_frame_in_packet,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendIetfConnectionCloseFrame(const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendPathChallengeFrame(const QuicPathChallengeFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendPathResponseFrame(const QuicPathResponseFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendIetfResetStreamFrame(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendStopSendingFrame(const QuicStopSendingFrame& stop_sending_frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
// Append/consume IETF-Format MAX_DATA and MAX_STREAM_DATA frames
bool AppendMaxDataFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool AppendMaxStreamDataFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool ProcessMaxDataFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicWindowUpdateFrame* frame);
bool ProcessMaxStreamDataFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicWindowUpdateFrame* frame);
bool AppendMaxStreamsFrame(const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool ProcessMaxStreamsFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicMaxStreamsFrame* frame,
uint64_t frame_type);
bool AppendDataBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool ProcessDataBlockedFrame(QuicDataReader* reader, QuicBlockedFrame* frame);
bool AppendStreamDataBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool ProcessStreamDataBlockedFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicBlockedFrame* frame);
bool AppendStreamsBlockedFrame(const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool ProcessStreamsBlockedFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicStreamsBlockedFrame* frame,
uint64_t frame_type);
bool AppendNewConnectionIdFrame(const QuicNewConnectionIdFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool ProcessNewConnectionIdFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicNewConnectionIdFrame* frame);
bool AppendRetireConnectionIdFrame(const QuicRetireConnectionIdFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool ProcessRetireConnectionIdFrame(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicRetireConnectionIdFrame* frame);
bool AppendNewTokenFrame(const QuicNewTokenFrame& frame,
QuicDataWriter* writer);
bool ProcessNewTokenFrame(QuicDataReader* reader, QuicNewTokenFrame* frame);
bool RaiseError(QuicErrorCode error);
// Returns true if |header| indicates a version negotiation packet.
bool IsVersionNegotiation(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
bool packet_has_ietf_packet_header) const;
// Calculates and returns type byte of stream frame.
uint8_t GetStreamFrameTypeByte(const QuicStreamFrame& frame,
bool last_frame_in_packet) const;
uint8_t GetIetfStreamFrameTypeByte(const QuicStreamFrame& frame,
bool last_frame_in_packet) const;
void set_error(QuicErrorCode error) { error_ = error; }
void set_detailed_error(const char* error) { detailed_error_ = error; }
void set_detailed_error(std::string error) { detailed_error_ = error; }
// Returns false if the reading fails.
bool ReadUint32FromVarint62(QuicDataReader* reader,
QuicIetfFrameType type,
QuicStreamId* id);
bool ProcessPacketInternal(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet);
std::string detailed_error_;
QuicFramerVisitorInterface* visitor_;
QuicErrorCode error_;
// Updated by ProcessPacketHeader when it succeeds decrypting a larger packet.
QuicPacketNumber largest_packet_number_;
// Largest successfully decrypted packet number per packet number space. Only
// used when supports_multiple_packet_number_spaces_ is true.
QuicPacketNumber largest_decrypted_packet_numbers_[NUM_PACKET_NUMBER_SPACES];
// Last server connection ID seen on the wire.
QuicConnectionId last_serialized_server_connection_id_;
// Last client connection ID seen on the wire.
QuicConnectionId last_serialized_client_connection_id_;
// Version of the protocol being used.
ParsedQuicVersion version_;
// This vector contains QUIC versions which we currently support.
// This should be ordered such that the highest supported version is the first
// element, with subsequent elements in descending order (versions can be
// skipped as necessary).
ParsedQuicVersionVector supported_versions_;
// Decrypters used to decrypt packets during parsing.
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> decrypter_[NUM_ENCRYPTION_LEVELS];
// The encryption level of the primary decrypter to use in |decrypter_|.
EncryptionLevel decrypter_level_;
// The encryption level of the alternative decrypter to use in |decrypter_|.
// When set to NUM_ENCRYPTION_LEVELS, indicates that there is no alternative
// decrypter.
EncryptionLevel alternative_decrypter_level_;
// |alternative_decrypter_latch_| is true if, when the decrypter at
// |alternative_decrypter_level_| successfully decrypts a packet, we should
// install it as the only decrypter.
bool alternative_decrypter_latch_;
// Encrypters used to encrypt packets via EncryptPayload().
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> encrypter_[NUM_ENCRYPTION_LEVELS];
// Tracks if the framer is being used by the entity that received the
// connection or the entity that initiated it.
Perspective perspective_;
// If false, skip validation that the public flags are set to legal values.
bool validate_flags_;
// The diversification nonce from the last received packet.
DiversificationNonce last_nonce_;
// If true, send and process timestamps in the ACK frame.
bool process_timestamps_;
// The creation time of the connection, used to calculate timestamps.
QuicTime creation_time_;
// The last timestamp received if process_timestamps_ is true.
QuicTime::Delta last_timestamp_;
// Whether IETF QUIC Key Update is supported on this connection.
bool support_key_update_for_connection_;
// The value of the current key phase bit, which is toggled when the keys are
// changed.
bool current_key_phase_bit_;
// Whether we have performed a key update at least once.
bool key_update_performed_ = false;
// Tracks the first packet received in the current key phase. Will be
// uninitialized before the first one-RTT packet has been received or after a
// locally initiated key update but before the first packet from the peer in
// the new key phase is received.
QuicPacketNumber current_key_phase_first_received_packet_number_;
// Counts the number of packets received that might have been failed key
// update attempts. Reset to zero every time a packet is successfully
// decrypted.
QuicPacketCount potential_peer_key_update_attempt_count_;
// Decrypter for the previous key phase. Will be null if in the first key
// phase or previous keys have been discarded.
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> previous_decrypter_;
// Decrypter for the next key phase. May be null if next keys haven't been
// generated yet.
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> next_decrypter_;
// If this is a framer of a connection, this is the packet number of first
// sending packet. If this is a framer of a framer of dispatcher, this is the
// packet number of sent packets (for those which have packet number).
const QuicPacketNumber first_sending_packet_number_;
// If not null, framer asks data_producer_ to write stream frame data. Not
// owned. TODO(fayang): Consider add data producer to framer's constructor.
QuicStreamFrameDataProducer* data_producer_;
// Whether we are in the middle of a call to this->ProcessPacket.
bool is_processing_packet_ = false;
// If true, framer infers packet header type (IETF/GQUIC) from version_.
// Otherwise, framer infers packet header type from first byte of a received
// packet.
bool infer_packet_header_type_from_version_;
// IETF short headers contain a destination connection ID but do not
// encode its length. These variables contains the length we expect to read.
// This is also used to validate the long header destination connection ID
// lengths in older versions of QUIC.
uint8_t expected_server_connection_id_length_;
uint8_t expected_client_connection_id_length_;
// Indicates whether this framer supports multiple packet number spaces.
bool supports_multiple_packet_number_spaces_;
// Indicates whether received RETRY packets should be dropped.
bool drop_incoming_retry_packets_ = false;
// The length in bytes of the last packet number written to an IETF-framed
// packet.
size_t last_written_packet_number_length_;
// The amount to shift the ack timestamp in ACK frames. The default is 3.
// Local_ is the amount this node shifts timestamps in ACK frames it
// generates. it is sent to the peer in a transport parameter negotiation.
// Peer_ is the amount the peer shifts timestamps when it sends ACK frames to
// this node. This node "unshifts" by this amount. The value is received from
// the peer in the transport parameter negotiation. IETF QUIC only.
uint32_t peer_ack_delay_exponent_;
uint32_t local_ack_delay_exponent_;
// The type of received IETF frame currently being processed. 0 when not
// processing a frame or when processing Google QUIC frames. Used to populate
// the Transport Connection Close when there is an error during frame
// processing.
uint64_t current_received_frame_type_;
// Look for and parse the error code from the "<quic_error_code>:" text that
// may be present at the start of the CONNECTION_CLOSE error details string.
// This text, inserted by the peer if it's using Google's QUIC implementation,
// contains additional error information that narrows down the exact error. The
// extracted error code and (possibly updated) error_details string are returned
// in |*frame|. If an error code is not found in the error details, then
// frame->quic_error_code is set to
// QuicErrorCode::QUIC_IETF_GQUIC_ERROR_MISSING. If there is an error code in
// the string then it is removed from the string.
QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE void MaybeExtractQuicErrorCode(
QuicConnectionCloseFrame* frame);
} // namespace quic