blob: df4aab9f391976c1ae66797ca6ceb29fcddacac1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/proof_verifier.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_crypto_client_config.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_config.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_versions.h"
#include "quiche/quic/tools/quic_spdy_client_base.h"
namespace quic {
// Interface implemented by Factories to create QuicClients.
class ClientFactoryInterface {
virtual ~ClientFactoryInterface() = default;
// Creates a new client configured to connect to |host_for_lookup:port|
// supporting |versions|, using |host_for_handshake| for handshake and
// |verifier| to verify proofs.
virtual std::unique_ptr<QuicSpdyClientBase> CreateClient(
std::string host_for_handshake, std::string host_for_lookup,
// AF_INET, AF_INET6, or AF_UNSPEC(=don't care).
int address_family_for_lookup, uint16_t port,
ParsedQuicVersionVector versions, const QuicConfig& config,
std::unique_ptr<ProofVerifier> verifier,
std::unique_ptr<SessionCache> session_cache) = 0;
} // namespace quic