blob: 6c8bab32de21920a70f741a785079dfb024a71fa [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_time.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_messages.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_priority.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_publisher.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_subscribe_windows.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_buffer_allocator.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_callbacks.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_weak_ptr.h"
#include "quiche/web_transport/web_transport.h"
namespace moqt {
using MoqtObjectAckFunction =
quiche::MultiUseCallback<void(uint64_t group_id, uint64_t object_id,
quic::QuicTimeDelta delta_from_deadline)>;
// State common to both SUBSCRIBE and FETCH upstream.
class RemoteTrack {
RemoteTrack(const FullTrackName& full_track_name, uint64_t id,
SubscribeWindow window)
: full_track_name_(full_track_name),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {}
virtual ~RemoteTrack() = default;
FullTrackName full_track_name() const { return full_track_name_; }
// If FETCH_ERROR or SUBSCRIBE_ERROR arrives after OK or an object, it is a
// protocol violation.
virtual void OnObjectOrOk() { error_is_allowed_ = false; }
bool ErrorIsAllowed() const { return error_is_allowed_; }
// When called while processing the first object in the track, sets the
// data stream type to the value indicated by the incoming encoding.
// Otherwise, returns true if the incoming object does not violate the rule
// that the type is consistent.
bool CheckDataStreamType(MoqtDataStreamType type);
bool is_fetch() const {
return data_stream_type_.has_value() &&
*data_stream_type_ == MoqtDataStreamType::kStreamHeaderFetch;
uint64_t subscribe_id() const { return subscribe_id_; }
// Is the object one that was requested?
bool InWindow(FullSequence sequence) const {
return window_.InWindow(sequence);
void ChangeWindow(SubscribeWindow& window) { window_ = window; }
quiche::QuicheWeakPtr<RemoteTrack> weak_ptr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.Create();
const FullTrackName full_track_name_;
const uint64_t subscribe_id_;
SubscribeWindow window_;
std::optional<MoqtDataStreamType> data_stream_type_;
// If false, an object or OK message has been received, so any ERROR message
// is a protocol violation.
bool error_is_allowed_ = true;
// Must be last.
quiche::QuicheWeakPtrFactory<RemoteTrack> weak_ptr_factory_;
// A track on the peer to which the session has subscribed.
class SubscribeRemoteTrack : public RemoteTrack {
// TODO: Separate this out (as it's used by the application) and give it a
// name like MoqtTrackSubscriber,
class Visitor {
virtual ~Visitor() = default;
// Called when the session receives a response to the SUBSCRIBE, unless it's
// a SUBSCRIBE_ERROR with a new track_alias. In that case, the session will
// automatically retry.
virtual void OnReply(
const FullTrackName& full_track_name,
std::optional<FullSequence> largest_id,
std::optional<absl::string_view> error_reason_phrase) = 0;
// Called when the subscription process is far enough that it is possible to
// send OBJECT_ACK messages; provides a callback to do so. The callback is
// valid for as long as the session is valid.
virtual void OnCanAckObjects(MoqtObjectAckFunction ack_function) = 0;
// Called when an object fragment (or an entire object) is received.
virtual void OnObjectFragment(
const FullTrackName& full_track_name, FullSequence sequence,
MoqtPriority publisher_priority, MoqtObjectStatus object_status,
absl::string_view object, bool end_of_message) = 0;
// TODO(martinduke): Add final sequence numbers
SubscribeRemoteTrack(const MoqtSubscribe& subscribe, Visitor* visitor)
: RemoteTrack(subscribe.full_track_name, subscribe.subscribe_id,
subscribe_(std::make_unique<MoqtSubscribe>(subscribe)) {}
void OnObjectOrOk() override {
subscribe_.reset(); // No SUBSCRIBE_ERROR, no need to store this anymore.
uint64_t track_alias() const { return track_alias_; }
Visitor* visitor() { return visitor_; }
MoqtSubscribe& GetSubscribe() {
return *subscribe_;
// This class will soon be destroyed, so there's no need to null the
// unique_ptr;
const uint64_t track_alias_;
Visitor* visitor_;
// For convenience, store the subscribe message if it has to be re-sent with
// a new track alias.
std::unique_ptr<MoqtSubscribe> subscribe_;
// MoqtSession calls this when a FETCH_OK or FETCH_ERROR is received. The
// destination of the callback owns |fetch_task| and MoqtSession will react
// safely if the owner destroys it.
using FetchResponseCallback =
quiche::SingleUseCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<MoqtFetchTask> fetch_task)>;
// This is a callback to MoqtSession::IncomingDataStream. Called when the
// FetchTask has its object cache empty, on creation, and whenever the
// application reads it.
using CanReadCallback = quiche::MultiUseCallback<void()>;
// If the application destroys the FetchTask, this is a signal to MoqtSession to
// cancel the FETCH and STOP_SENDING the stream.
using TaskDestroyedCallback = quiche::SingleUseCallback<void()>;
// Class for upstream FETCH. It will notify the application using |callback|
// when a FETCH_OK or FETCH_ERROR is received.
class UpstreamFetch : public RemoteTrack {
UpstreamFetch(const MoqtFetch& fetch, FetchResponseCallback callback)
: RemoteTrack(fetch.full_track_name, fetch.subscribe_id,
ok_callback_(std::move(callback)) {
// Immediately set the data stream type.
UpstreamFetch(const UpstreamFetch&) = delete;
class UpstreamFetchTask : public MoqtFetchTask {
// If the UpstreamFetch is destroyed, it will call OnStreamAndFetchClosed
// which sets the TaskDestroyedCallback to nullptr. Thus, |callback| can
// assume that UpstreamFetch is valid.
UpstreamFetchTask(FullSequence largest_id, absl::Status status,
TaskDestroyedCallback callback)
: largest_id_(largest_id),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {}
~UpstreamFetchTask() override;
// Implementation of MoqtFetchTask.
GetNextObjectResult GetNextObject(PublishedObject& output) override;
void SetObjectAvailableCallback(
ObjectsAvailableCallback callback) override {
object_available_callback_ = std::move(callback);
absl::Status GetStatus() override { return status_; };
FullSequence GetLargestId() const override { return largest_id_; }
quiche::QuicheWeakPtr<UpstreamFetchTask> weak_ptr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.Create();
// MoqtSession should not use this function; use
// UpstreamFetch::OnStreamOpened() instead, in case the task does not exist
// yet.
void set_can_read_callback(CanReadCallback callback) {
can_read_callback_ = std::move(callback);
can_read_callback_(); // Accept the first object.
// Called when the data stream receives a new object.
void NewObject(const MoqtObject& message);
void AppendPayloadToObject(absl::string_view payload);
// MoqtSession calls this for a hint if the object has been read.
bool HasObject() const { return next_object_.has_value(); }
bool NeedsMorePayload() const {
return next_object_.has_value() && next_object_->payload_length > 0;
// MoqtSession calls NotifyNewObject() after NewObject() because it has to
// exit the parser loop before the callback possibly causes another read.
// Furthermore, NewObject() may be a partial object, and so
// NotifyNewObject() is called only when the object is complete.
void NotifyNewObject();
// Deletes callbacks to session or stream, updates the status. If |error|
// has no value, will append an EOF to the object stream.
void OnStreamAndFetchClosed(
std::optional<webtransport::StreamErrorCode> error,
absl::string_view reason_phrase);
FullSequence largest_id_;
absl::Status status_;
TaskDestroyedCallback task_destroyed_callback_;
// Object delivery state. The payload_length member is used to track the
// payload bytes not yet received. The application receives a
// PublishedObject that is constructed from next_object_ and payload_.
std::optional<MoqtObject> next_object_;
// Store payload separately. Will be converted into QuicheMemSlice only when
// complete, since QuicheMemSlice is immutable.
quiche::QuicheBuffer payload_;
// The task should only call object_available_callback_ when the last result
// was kPending. Otherwise, there can be recursive loops of
// GetNextObjectResult().
bool need_object_available_callback_ = true;
bool eof_ = false; // The next object is EOF.
// The Fetch task signals the application when it has new objects.
ObjectsAvailableCallback object_available_callback_;
// The Fetch task signals the stream when it has dispensed of an object.
CanReadCallback can_read_callback_;
// Must be last.
quiche::QuicheWeakPtrFactory<UpstreamFetchTask> weak_ptr_factory_;
void OnFetchResult(FullSequence largest_id, absl::Status status,
TaskDestroyedCallback callback);
UpstreamFetchTask* task() { return task_.GetIfAvailable(); }
// Manage the relationship with the data stream.
void OnStreamOpened(CanReadCallback callback);
quiche::QuicheWeakPtr<UpstreamFetchTask> task_;
// Before FetchTask is created, an incoming stream will register the callback
// here instead.
CanReadCallback can_read_callback_;
// Initial values from Fetch() call.
FetchResponseCallback ok_callback_; // Will be destroyed on FETCH_OK.
} // namespace moqt