blob: 8ccbdd64312b7456b9b4f65998f907d7fb4100e4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_time.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_framer.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_messages.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_parser.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_priority.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_publisher.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_subscribe_windows.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_track.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_buffer_allocator.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_callbacks.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_circular_deque.h"
#include "quiche/web_transport/web_transport.h"
namespace moqt {
namespace test {
class MoqtSessionPeer;
using MoqtSessionEstablishedCallback = quiche::SingleUseCallback<void()>;
using MoqtSessionTerminatedCallback =
quiche::SingleUseCallback<void(absl::string_view error_message)>;
using MoqtSessionDeletedCallback = quiche::SingleUseCallback<void()>;
// If |error_message| is nullopt, the ANNOUNCE was successful.
using MoqtOutgoingAnnounceCallback = quiche::SingleUseCallback<void(
absl::string_view track_namespace,
std::optional<MoqtAnnounceErrorReason> error)>;
using MoqtIncomingAnnounceCallback =
absl::string_view track_namespace)>;
inline std::optional<MoqtAnnounceErrorReason> DefaultIncomingAnnounceCallback(
absl::string_view /*track_namespace*/) {
return std::optional(MoqtAnnounceErrorReason{
"This endpoint does not accept incoming ANNOUNCE messages"});
// Callbacks for session-level events.
struct MoqtSessionCallbacks {
MoqtSessionEstablishedCallback session_established_callback = +[] {};
MoqtSessionTerminatedCallback session_terminated_callback =
+[](absl::string_view) {};
MoqtSessionDeletedCallback session_deleted_callback = +[] {};
MoqtIncomingAnnounceCallback incoming_announce_callback =
// MoqtPublishingMonitorInterface allows a publisher monitor the delivery
// progress for a single individual subscriber.
class MoqtPublishingMonitorInterface {
virtual ~MoqtPublishingMonitorInterface() = default;
virtual void OnObjectAckSupportKnown(bool supported) = 0;
virtual void OnObjectAckReceived(uint64_t group_id, uint64_t object_id,
quic::QuicTimeDelta delta_from_deadline) = 0;
class QUICHE_EXPORT MoqtSession : public webtransport::SessionVisitor {
MoqtSession(webtransport::Session* session, MoqtSessionParameters parameters,
MoqtSessionCallbacks callbacks = MoqtSessionCallbacks());
~MoqtSession() { std::move(callbacks_.session_deleted_callback)(); }
// webtransport::SessionVisitor implementation.
void OnSessionReady() override;
void OnSessionClosed(webtransport::SessionErrorCode,
const std::string&) override;
void OnIncomingBidirectionalStreamAvailable() override;
void OnIncomingUnidirectionalStreamAvailable() override;
void OnDatagramReceived(absl::string_view datagram) override;
void OnCanCreateNewOutgoingBidirectionalStream() override {}
void OnCanCreateNewOutgoingUnidirectionalStream() override;
void Error(MoqtError code, absl::string_view error);
quic::Perspective perspective() const { return parameters_.perspective; }
// Send an ANNOUNCE message for |track_namespace|, and call
// |announce_callback| when the response arrives. Will fail immediately if
// there is already an unresolved ANNOUNCE for that namespace.
void Announce(absl::string_view track_namespace,
MoqtOutgoingAnnounceCallback announce_callback);
// Returns true if SUBSCRIBE was sent. If there is already a subscription to
// the track, the message will still be sent. However, the visitor will be
// ignored.
// Subscribe from (start_group, start_object) to the end of the track.
bool SubscribeAbsolute(
absl::string_view track_namespace, absl::string_view name,
uint64_t start_group, uint64_t start_object,
RemoteTrack::Visitor* visitor,
MoqtSubscribeParameters parameters = MoqtSubscribeParameters());
// Subscribe from (start_group, start_object) to the end of end_group.
bool SubscribeAbsolute(
absl::string_view track_namespace, absl::string_view name,
uint64_t start_group, uint64_t start_object, uint64_t end_group,
RemoteTrack::Visitor* visitor,
MoqtSubscribeParameters parameters = MoqtSubscribeParameters());
// Subscribe from (start_group, start_object) to (end_group, end_object).
bool SubscribeAbsolute(
absl::string_view track_namespace, absl::string_view name,
uint64_t start_group, uint64_t start_object, uint64_t end_group,
uint64_t end_object, RemoteTrack::Visitor* visitor,
MoqtSubscribeParameters parameters = MoqtSubscribeParameters());
bool SubscribeCurrentObject(
absl::string_view track_namespace, absl::string_view name,
RemoteTrack::Visitor* visitor,
MoqtSubscribeParameters parameters = MoqtSubscribeParameters());
bool SubscribeCurrentGroup(
absl::string_view track_namespace, absl::string_view name,
RemoteTrack::Visitor* visitor,
MoqtSubscribeParameters parameters = MoqtSubscribeParameters());
MoqtSessionCallbacks& callbacks() { return callbacks_; }
MoqtPublisher* publisher() { return publisher_; }
void set_publisher(MoqtPublisher* publisher) { publisher_ = publisher; }
bool support_object_acks() const { return parameters_.support_object_acks; }
void set_support_object_acks(bool value) {
<< "support_object_acks needs to be set before handshake";
parameters_.support_object_acks = value;
// Assigns a monitoring interface for a specific track subscription that is
// expected to happen in the future. `interface` will be only used for a
// single subscription, and it must outlive the session.
void SetMonitoringInterfaceForTrack(
FullTrackName track, MoqtPublishingMonitorInterface* interface) {
void Close() { session_->CloseSession(0, "Application closed"); }
friend class test::MoqtSessionPeer;
class QUICHE_EXPORT ControlStream : public webtransport::StreamVisitor,
public MoqtParserVisitor {
ControlStream(MoqtSession* session, webtransport::Stream* stream);
// webtransport::StreamVisitor implementation.
void OnCanRead() override;
void OnCanWrite() override;
void OnResetStreamReceived(webtransport::StreamErrorCode error) override;
void OnStopSendingReceived(webtransport::StreamErrorCode error) override;
void OnWriteSideInDataRecvdState() override {}
// MoqtParserVisitor implementation.
// TODO: Handle a stream FIN.
void OnObjectMessage(const MoqtObject& message, absl::string_view payload,
bool end_of_message) override;
void OnClientSetupMessage(const MoqtClientSetup& message) override;
void OnServerSetupMessage(const MoqtServerSetup& message) override;
void OnSubscribeMessage(const MoqtSubscribe& message) override;
void OnSubscribeOkMessage(const MoqtSubscribeOk& message) override;
void OnSubscribeErrorMessage(const MoqtSubscribeError& message) override;
void OnUnsubscribeMessage(const MoqtUnsubscribe& message) override;
// There is no state to update for SUBSCRIBE_DONE.
void OnSubscribeDoneMessage(const MoqtSubscribeDone& /*message*/) override {
void OnSubscribeUpdateMessage(const MoqtSubscribeUpdate& message) override;
void OnAnnounceMessage(const MoqtAnnounce& message) override;
void OnAnnounceOkMessage(const MoqtAnnounceOk& message) override;
void OnAnnounceErrorMessage(const MoqtAnnounceError& message) override;
void OnAnnounceCancelMessage(const MoqtAnnounceCancel& message) override;
void OnTrackStatusRequestMessage(
const MoqtTrackStatusRequest& message) override {};
void OnUnannounceMessage(const MoqtUnannounce& /*message*/) override {}
void OnTrackStatusMessage(const MoqtTrackStatus& message) override {}
void OnGoAwayMessage(const MoqtGoAway& /*message*/) override {}
void OnObjectAckMessage(const MoqtObjectAck& message) override {
auto subscription_it =
if (subscription_it == session_->published_subscriptions_.end()) {
void OnParsingError(MoqtError error_code,
absl::string_view reason) override;
quic::Perspective perspective() const {
return session_->parameters_.perspective;
webtransport::Stream* stream() const { return stream_; }
// Sends a control message, or buffers it if there is insufficient flow
// control credit.
void SendOrBufferMessage(quiche::QuicheBuffer message, bool fin = false);
friend class test::MoqtSessionPeer;
void SendSubscribeError(const MoqtSubscribe& message,
SubscribeErrorCode error_code,
absl::string_view reason_phrase,
uint64_t track_alias);
MoqtSession* session_;
webtransport::Stream* stream_;
MoqtParser parser_;
class QUICHE_EXPORT IncomingDataStream : public webtransport::StreamVisitor,
public MoqtParserVisitor {
IncomingDataStream(MoqtSession* session, webtransport::Stream* stream)
: session_(session),
parser_(session->parameters_.using_webtrans, *this) {}
// webtransport::StreamVisitor implementation.
void OnCanRead() override;
void OnCanWrite() override {}
void OnResetStreamReceived(webtransport::StreamErrorCode error) override {}
void OnStopSendingReceived(webtransport::StreamErrorCode error) override {}
void OnWriteSideInDataRecvdState() override {}
// MoqtParserVisitor implementation.
// TODO: Handle a stream FIN.
void OnObjectMessage(const MoqtObject& message, absl::string_view payload,
bool end_of_message) override;
void OnClientSetupMessage(const MoqtClientSetup&) override {
void OnServerSetupMessage(const MoqtServerSetup&) override {
void OnSubscribeMessage(const MoqtSubscribe&) override {
void OnSubscribeOkMessage(const MoqtSubscribeOk&) override {
void OnSubscribeErrorMessage(const MoqtSubscribeError&) override {
void OnUnsubscribeMessage(const MoqtUnsubscribe&) override {
void OnSubscribeDoneMessage(const MoqtSubscribeDone&) override {
void OnSubscribeUpdateMessage(const MoqtSubscribeUpdate&) override {
void OnAnnounceMessage(const MoqtAnnounce&) override {
void OnAnnounceOkMessage(const MoqtAnnounceOk&) override {
void OnAnnounceErrorMessage(const MoqtAnnounceError&) override {
void OnAnnounceCancelMessage(const MoqtAnnounceCancel& message) override {
void OnTrackStatusRequestMessage(
const MoqtTrackStatusRequest& message) override {
void OnUnannounceMessage(const MoqtUnannounce&) override {
void OnTrackStatusMessage(const MoqtTrackStatus&) override {
void OnGoAwayMessage(const MoqtGoAway&) override {
void OnObjectAckMessage(const MoqtObjectAck&) override {
void OnParsingError(MoqtError error_code,
absl::string_view reason) override;
quic::Perspective perspective() const {
return session_->parameters_.perspective;
webtransport::Stream* stream() const { return stream_; }
friend class test::MoqtSessionPeer;
void OnControlMessageReceived();
MoqtSession* session_;
webtransport::Stream* stream_;
MoqtParser parser_;
std::string partial_object_;
// Represents a record for a single subscription to a local track that is
// being sent to the peer.
class PublishedSubscription : public MoqtObjectListener {
explicit PublishedSubscription(
MoqtSession* session,
std::shared_ptr<MoqtTrackPublisher> track_publisher,
const MoqtSubscribe& subscribe,
MoqtPublishingMonitorInterface* monitoring_interface);
PublishedSubscription(const PublishedSubscription&) = delete;
PublishedSubscription(PublishedSubscription&&) = delete;
PublishedSubscription& operator=(const PublishedSubscription&) = delete;
PublishedSubscription& operator=(PublishedSubscription&&) = delete;
MoqtTrackPublisher& publisher() { return *track_publisher_; }
uint64_t track_alias() const { return track_alias_; }
std::optional<FullSequence> largest_sent() const { return largest_sent_; }
MoqtPriority subscriber_priority() const { return subscriber_priority_; }
std::optional<MoqtDeliveryOrder> subscriber_delivery_order() const {
return subscriber_delivery_order_;
void OnNewObjectAvailable(FullSequence sequence) override;
void ProcessObjectAck(const MoqtObjectAck& message) {
if (monitoring_interface_ == nullptr) {
message.group_id, message.object_id, message.delta_from_deadline);
// Creates streams for all objects that are currently in the track's object
// cache and match the subscription window. This is in some sense similar
// to a fetch (since all of the objects are in the past), but is
// conceptually simpler, as backpressure is less of a concern.
void Backfill();
// Updates the window and other properties of the subscription in question.
void Update(FullSequence start, std::optional<FullSequence> end,
MoqtPriority subscriber_priority);
// Checks if the specified sequence is within the window of this
// subscription.
bool InWindow(FullSequence sequence) { return window_.InWindow(sequence); }
void OnDataStreamCreated(webtransport::StreamId id,
FullSequence start_sequence);
void OnDataStreamDestroyed(webtransport::StreamId id,
FullSequence end_sequence);
void OnObjectSent(FullSequence sequence);
std::vector<webtransport::StreamId> GetAllStreams() const;
SendStreamMap& stream_map();
quic::Perspective perspective() const {
return session_->parameters_.perspective;
void SendDatagram(FullSequence sequence);
uint64_t subscription_id_;
MoqtSession* session_;
std::shared_ptr<MoqtTrackPublisher> track_publisher_;
uint64_t track_alias_;
SubscribeWindow window_;
MoqtPriority subscriber_priority_;
std::optional<MoqtDeliveryOrder> subscriber_delivery_order_;
MoqtPublishingMonitorInterface* monitoring_interface_;
// Largest sequence number ever sent via this subscription.
std::optional<FullSequence> largest_sent_;
// Should be almost always accessed via `stream_map()`.
std::optional<SendStreamMap> lazily_initialized_stream_map_;
class QUICHE_EXPORT OutgoingDataStream : public webtransport::StreamVisitor {
OutgoingDataStream(MoqtSession* session, webtransport::Stream* stream,
uint64_t subscription_id,
PublishedSubscription& subscription,
FullSequence first_object);
// webtransport::StreamVisitor implementation.
void OnCanRead() override {}
void OnCanWrite() override;
void OnResetStreamReceived(webtransport::StreamErrorCode error) override {}
void OnStopSendingReceived(webtransport::StreamErrorCode error) override {}
void OnWriteSideInDataRecvdState() override {}
webtransport::Stream* stream() const { return stream_; }
// Sends objects on the stream, starting with `next_object_`, until the
// stream becomes write-blocked or closed.
void SendObjects(PublishedSubscription& subscription);
// Recomputes the send order and updates it for the associated stream.
void UpdateSendOrder(PublishedSubscription& subscription);
friend class test::MoqtSessionPeer;
// Checks whether the associated subscription is still valid; if not, resets
// the stream and returns nullptr.
PublishedSubscription* GetSubscriptionIfValid();
// Actually sends an object on the stream; the object MUST be
// `next_object_`.
void SendNextObject(PublishedSubscription& subscription,
PublishedObject object);
MoqtSession* session_;
webtransport::Stream* stream_;
uint64_t subscription_id_;
FullSequence next_object_;
bool stream_header_written_ = false;
// A weak pointer to an object owned by the session. Used to make sure the
// session does not get called after being destroyed.
std::weak_ptr<void> session_liveness_;
// Private members of MoqtSession.
// QueuedOutgoingDataStream records an information necessary to create a
// stream that was attempted to be created before but was blocked due to flow
// control.
struct QueuedOutgoingDataStream {
uint64_t subscription_id;
FullSequence first_object;
// Returns true if SUBSCRIBE_DONE was sent.
bool SubscribeIsDone(uint64_t subscribe_id, SubscribeDoneCode code,
absl::string_view reason_phrase);
// Returns the pointer to the control stream, or nullptr if none is present.
ControlStream* GetControlStream();
// Sends a message on the control stream; QUICHE_DCHECKs if no control stream
// is present.
void SendControlMessage(quiche::QuicheBuffer message);
// Returns false if the SUBSCRIBE isn't sent.
bool Subscribe(MoqtSubscribe& message, RemoteTrack::Visitor* visitor);
// Opens a new data stream, or queues it if the session is flow control
// blocked.
webtransport::Stream* OpenOrQueueDataStream(uint64_t subscription_id,
FullSequence first_object);
// Same as above, except the session is required to be not flow control
// blocked.
webtransport::Stream* OpenDataStream(uint64_t subscription_id,
FullSequence first_object);
// Get FullTrackName and visitor for a subscribe_id and track_alias. Returns
// nullptr if not present.
std::pair<FullTrackName, RemoteTrack::Visitor*> TrackPropertiesFromAlias(
const MoqtObject& message);
// Sends an OBJECT_ACK message for a specific subscribe ID.
void SendObjectAck(uint64_t subscribe_id, uint64_t group_id,
uint64_t object_id,
quic::QuicTimeDelta delta_from_deadline) {
if (!SupportsObjectAck()) {
MoqtObjectAck ack;
ack.subscribe_id = subscribe_id;
ack.group_id = group_id;
ack.object_id = object_id;
ack.delta_from_deadline = delta_from_deadline;
// Indicates if OBJECT_ACK is supported by both sides.
bool SupportsObjectAck() const {
return parameters_.support_object_acks && peer_supports_object_ack_;
webtransport::Session* session_;
MoqtSessionParameters parameters_;
MoqtSessionCallbacks callbacks_;
MoqtFramer framer_;
std::optional<webtransport::StreamId> control_stream_;
bool peer_supports_object_ack_ = false;
std::string error_;
// All the tracks the session is subscribed to, indexed by track_alias.
// Multiple subscribes to the same track are recorded in a single
// subscription.
absl::flat_hash_map<uint64_t, RemoteTrack> remote_tracks_;
// Look up aliases for remote tracks by name
absl::flat_hash_map<FullTrackName, uint64_t> remote_track_aliases_;
uint64_t next_remote_track_alias_ = 0;
// Application object representing the publisher for all of the tracks that
// can be subscribed to via this connection. Must outlive this object.
MoqtPublisher* publisher_;
// Subscriptions for local tracks by the remote peer, indexed by subscribe ID.
absl::flat_hash_map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<PublishedSubscription>>
// Keeps track of all the data streams that were supposed to be open, but were
// blocked by the flow control.
// This is only used to check for track_alias collisions.
absl::flat_hash_set<uint64_t> used_track_aliases_;
uint64_t next_local_track_alias_ = 0;
// Indexed by subscribe_id.
struct ActiveSubscribe {
MoqtSubscribe message;
RemoteTrack::Visitor* visitor;
// The forwarding preference of the first received object, which all
// subsequent objects must match.
std::optional<MoqtForwardingPreference> forwarding_preference;
// If true, an object has arrived for the subscription before SUBSCRIBE_OK
// arrived.
bool received_object = false;
// Outgoing SUBSCRIBEs that have not received SUBSCRIBE_OK or SUBSCRIBE_ERROR.
absl::flat_hash_map<uint64_t, ActiveSubscribe> active_subscribes_;
uint64_t next_subscribe_id_ = 0;
// Monitoring interfaces for expected incoming subscriptions.
absl::flat_hash_map<FullTrackName, MoqtPublishingMonitorInterface*>
// Indexed by track namespace.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, MoqtOutgoingAnnounceCallback>
// The role the peer advertised in its SETUP message. Initialize it to avoid
// an uninitialized value if no SETUP arrives or it arrives with no Role
// parameter, and other checks have changed/been disabled.
MoqtRole peer_role_ = MoqtRole::kPubSub;
// Must be last. Token used to make sure that the streams do not call into
// the session when the session has already been destroyed.
struct Empty {};
std::shared_ptr<Empty> liveness_token_;
} // namespace moqt