blob: ffbd32ded47ce6e9f3ccec9cf41d68ec78c80603 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
#include "quiche/web_transport/web_transport.h"
namespace moqt {
// Priority that can be assigned to a track or individual streams associated
// with the track by either the publisher or the subscriber.
using MoqtPriority = uint8_t;
// Indicates the desired order of delivering groups associated with a given
// track.
enum class MoqtDeliveryOrder : uint8_t {
kAscending = 0x01,
kDescending = 0x02,
// Computes WebTransport send order for an MoQT data stream with the specified
// parameters.
QUICHE_EXPORT webtransport::SendOrder SendOrderForStream(
MoqtPriority subscriber_priority, MoqtPriority publisher_priority,
uint64_t group_id, uint64_t subgroup_id, MoqtDeliveryOrder delivery_order);
// This is just a wrapper for SendOrderForStream, that uses the object ID where
// the subgroup ID would normally go.
QUICHE_EXPORT webtransport::SendOrder SendOrderForDatagram(
MoqtPriority subscriber_priority, MoqtPriority publisher_priority,
uint64_t group_id, uint64_t object_id, MoqtDeliveryOrder delivery_order);
// Determine the send order for FETCH. As all objects are on one stream, only
// subscriber priority matters.
QUICHE_EXPORT webtransport::SendOrder SendOrderForFetch(
MoqtPriority subscriber_priority);
// Returns |send_order| updated with the new |subscriber_priority|.
QUICHE_EXPORT webtransport::SendOrder UpdateSendOrderForSubscriberPriority(
webtransport::SendOrder send_order, MoqtPriority subscriber_priority);
// WebTransport send order set on the MoQT control stream.
QUICHE_EXPORT extern const webtransport::SendOrder kMoqtControlStreamSendOrder;
// WebTransport send order set on MoQT bandwidth probe streams.
QUICHE_EXPORT extern const webtransport::SendOrder kMoqtProbeStreamSendOrder;
} // namespace moqt