blob: 59ca84738e67e73df070fdc405e6131eff919a82 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/quartc/quartc_endpoint.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_test.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/quartc/simulated_packet_transport.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/simulator/simulator.h"
namespace quic {
namespace {
static QuicByteCount kDefaultMaxPacketSize = 1200;
class FakeEndpointDelegate : public QuartcEndpoint::Delegate {
void OnSessionCreated(QuartcSession* session) override {
last_session_ = session;
void OnConnectError(QuicErrorCode /*error*/,
const QuicString& /*error_details*/) override {}
QuartcSession* last_session() { return last_session_; }
QuartcSession* last_session_ = nullptr;
class QuartcEndpointTest : public QuicTest {
: transport_(&simulator_,
10 * kDefaultMaxPacketSize) {}
simulator::Simulator simulator_;
simulator::SimulatedQuartcPacketTransport transport_;
FakeEndpointDelegate delegate_;
// After calling Connect, the client endpoint must wait for an async callback.
// The callback occurs after a finite amount of time and produces a session.
TEST_F(QuartcEndpointTest, ClientCreatesSessionAsynchronously) {
QuartcClientEndpoint endpoint_(simulator_.GetAlarmFactory(),
simulator_.GetClock(), &delegate_,
QuartcSessionConfig config;
config.packet_transport = &transport_;
config.max_packet_size = kDefaultMaxPacketSize;
EXPECT_EQ(delegate_.last_session(), nullptr);
[this] { return delegate_.last_session() != nullptr; }));
} // namespace
} // namespace quic