blob: 5df72ec328a5bd04d5443a2714ae7c6b75acc071 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_string.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_uint128.h"
namespace quic {
enum QuicConnectionIdLength {
// Connection IDs can be 0-18 bytes per IETF specifications.
const uint8_t kQuicMaxConnectionIdLength = 18;
// kQuicDefaultConnectionIdLength is the only supported length for QUIC
// versions < v99, and is the default picked for all versions.
const uint8_t kQuicDefaultConnectionIdLength = 8;
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionId {
// Creates a connection ID of length zero, unless the restart flag
// quic_connection_ids_network_byte_order is false in which case
// it returns an 8-byte all-zeroes connection ID.
// Creates a connection ID from network order bytes.
QuicConnectionId(const char* data, uint8_t length);
// Creator from host byte order uint64_t.
explicit QuicConnectionId(uint64_t connection_id64);
// Returns the length of the connection ID, in bytes.
uint8_t length() const;
// Sets the length of the connection ID, in bytes.
void set_length(uint8_t length);
// Returns a pointer to the connection ID bytes, in network byte order.
const char* data() const;
// Returns a mutable pointer to the connection ID bytes,
// in network byte order.
char* mutable_data();
// Returns whether the connection ID has length zero, unless the restart flag
// quic_connection_ids_network_byte_order is false in which case
// it checks if it is all zeroes.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Converts to host byte order uint64_t.
uint64_t ToUInt64() const;
// Hash() is required to use connection IDs as keys in hash tables.
size_t Hash() const;
// Generates an ASCII string that represents
// the contents of the connection ID, or "0" if it is empty.
QuicString ToString() const;
// operator<< allows easily logging connection IDs.
friend QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os,
const QuicConnectionId& v);
bool operator==(const QuicConnectionId& v) const;
bool operator!=(const QuicConnectionId& v) const;
// operator< is required to use connection IDs as keys in hash tables.
bool operator<(const QuicConnectionId& v) const;
// The connection ID is currently represented in host byte order in |id64_|.
// In the future, it will be saved in the first |length_| bytes of |data_|.
char data_[kQuicMaxConnectionIdLength];
uint8_t length_;
uint64_t id64_; // host byte order
// Creates a connection ID of length zero, unless the restart flag
// quic_connection_ids_network_byte_order is false in which case
// it returns an 8-byte all-zeroes connection ID.
QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionId EmptyQuicConnectionId();
// Converts connection ID from host-byte-order uint64_t to QuicConnectionId.
// This is currently the identity function.
QuicConnectionIdFromUInt64(uint64_t connection_id64);
// Converts connection ID from QuicConnectionId to host-byte-order uint64_t.
// This is currently the identity function.
QuicConnectionIdToUInt64(QuicConnectionId connection_id);
// QuicConnectionIdHash can be passed as hash argument to hash tables.
class QuicConnectionIdHash {
size_t operator()(QuicConnectionId const& connection_id) const noexcept {
return connection_id.Hash();
// Governs how connection IDs are represented in memory.
// Checks gfe_restart_flag_quic_connection_ids_network_byte_order.
QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool QuicConnectionIdUseNetworkByteOrder();
enum class Perspective : uint8_t;
// Governs how connection IDs are created.
// Checks gfe_restart_flag_quic_variable_length_connection_ids_(client|server).
QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool QuicConnectionIdSupportsVariableLength(
Perspective perspective);
} // namespace quic