This directory contains several fuzz tests for QUIC code:
To build and run the fuzz tests, using quic_framer_fuzzer as an example:
$ blaze build --config=asan-fuzzer //gfe/quic/test_tools/fuzzing/... $ CORPUS_DIR=`mktemp -d` && echo ${CORPUS_DIR} $ ./blaze-bin/gfe/quic/test_tools/fuzzing/quic_framer_fuzzer ${CORPUS_DIR} -use_counters=0
By default this fuzzes with 64 byte chunks, to test the framer with more realistic size input, try 1350 (max payload size of a QUIC packet):
$ ./blaze-bin/gfe/quic/test_tools/fuzzing/quic_framer_fuzzer ${CORPUS_DIR} -use_counters=0 -max_len=1350